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2002 suzuki df70 rev limit issue

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  • 2002 suzuki df70 rev limit issue

    2002 Suzuki df70 ran low on oil and the rev limiter kicked in, not allowing me to get full throttle, and check engine light came on with 1 beep every 4 or so seconds (not exactly sure) until we got in... So, I topped off the oil and reset the oil light/alarm but the rev limiter is still engaging. No lights or alarms/beeps, and it runs fine from idle to about 2500 rpm or so (tach lights work but not rpm needle). Is this what's called Safe Mode? Or is a sensor bad or a switch stuck? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Nearest Suzuki dealer is about 2 hours away. I disconnected the neutral safety switch trying to determine if it was the cause but no change. Sorry, but previously posted same issue but the title did not include year and make of motor.