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Suzuki outboard digital gauge

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  • Suzuki outboard digital gauge

    Just outfitted my boat with a new DF 250 outboard . Engine was rigged with the new square digital gauge . While fueling the other day I attempted to input the amount of fuel I added . Inadvertently hit a button and reset the fuel to full . I added 24 to the already 50 gallons . Is there a way to reset the gauge to the proper amount or do I have to start again once empty ?

  • #2
    I dont think that you can simply adjust the amount of fuel in the tank to a new value. There was a similar discussion on another thread in the past few days.

    I am thinking aloud now about work-arounds possibly address your situation.

    Idea 1: simply go and fill the tank up to full! Problem solved! Downside: tank may hold a large amount of fuel and cost a lot to fill and add unnecessary weight and mean that fuel sits in there and possibly gets stale etc, none of which you might want to do.

    Idea 2: go into the fuel setup menu and try changing the tank capacity to match the amount of fuel you now know is in the tank. So set tank capacity at 74 gallons. And see what happens.

    I don't know how the system might react to this, whether it might still retain the fuel remaining value and ring alarms that you are overfull, but probably if it did, that could likely be fixed by changing it back again to the original capacity.

    But, if it works, then it might provide a neat temporary solution until you next fill up. You would have to remember what you've done and make appropriate adjustments when you add more fuel in the future.

    Thats all I can think of at the moment.

    Let us know what you decide and how it goes!
    Last edited by Moonlighter; 08-25-2016, 09:40 PM.


    • #3
      I think the fill up solution is my best option . I'm about 40 gallons from full . Thanks for the response .

