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suzuki df60av low rpms

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  • suzuki df60av low rpms

    Hello. I have a 2015 suzuki df60av i bought new in 2016. I originally had it on a 24' flat bottom work boat. It replaced a military 55 Evinrude. It had nowhere near the power of the 55 2 stroke. I kept changing props,finally ending up with the special made Powertech 12 1/4x12, which is for the four strokes with the big lower unit that wont turn the rpms. Even with this prop,and the jackplate up 5", max rpm was only 4900. I removed it from the big skiff and installed it on a lightweight, open 17' flat bottom skiff, keeping the same prop on. Still can only get 5800 rpm at WOT. It has the power of a 40 hp 2 stroke.
    The man I bought engine from said he replaced a df50 suzuki on a customer's skiff with a 2014 Suzuki df60a. He said he had to drop 2" in pitch to get the same speed the 50 was running. He contacted the dealer rep and they told him it was a programming issue with the 60's. The 40's were rated at 5000-6000 rpm and the 50's and 60's at 5300-6300 rpms. Has anyone else heard this or had this issue?
    Thank you
