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DT-200 New prop

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  • DT-200 New prop

    Just installed a Power Tech OFS4 four bladed prop. The boat pulls to the right with the zinc moved all the way to the right. It was really pulling right UNTILL I took the zinc ALL the way to the right. The steering is at this point is OK. I can live with it. The boat will turn on a dime steering right. When I steer left, there is some resistance. But it's not nearly as bad as It was with the zinc 3/4 of the way right and not all the way right. Should I just live with this? This four bladed prop is allot more sensitive with steering at differant tilt angles as well? Whats to be done?

  • #2
    Is it a full sized zinc, or has it been on the engine some time and a good bit has worn away? You might have to search some decent boating/marine stores and find one that has a set back fin..this will add more steering torque. A bigger fin with more setback would be ideal, just make sure you clear the prop. When the zinc is "all the way right" is it because the roll pin has no more drilled cutouts in the zinc to go into...if so you can follow the arc in the underside of the zinc and make a hole further in the direction you want to move..its pretty easy. Besides this...did you make RPM's with that big prop?. If so what were your numbers..rpm's and speed and fuel flo if you have them..thanks


    • #3
      I did make RPM although very briefly. (The powerhead is factory new so I'm still very easy on it with just about ten total hours on it.) The flo scan went beyond 20 GPH when I opened her up. OOUCH! Speed is just under 50 MPH. At 4000 RPM in going 33 MPH and burning 14 GPH. For a 21'-9" deep V hardtop that weighs 4500 pounds, in pretty happy. It's a two stroke.
      The fin is all the way to the right and there are no notchs to choose from? It slides smoothly left and right untill I crank down on the 12mm bolt. Due to the design of this brand new stock Suzuki zinc, it just cannot get any more right? I'd have to file the zinc to get any more right?
      I've never seen any other zinc then the stock one? And I've run 2 stroke Suzuki's for 20 years? I'm open to Ideas? The boat still favors the right turn.


      • #4
        Look up Camp Zinc 34127. Its for a Merc motor but it has the same baseplate dia as our Suzuki zincs. It is about 2 inches longer so it will offer more steering torque than the stock zinc. I'm not sure it will clear the prop but its only 10 bucks on line and most boating stores will have it . The only problem is that its for american motors so your metric bolt wont thread into it but you can use the american replacement with no only passes thru a hole so any combination will might need to add a washer or two but thats a minor issue. There are fairly simple ways around your steering problem, just might need a little tinkering. I'm glad you made rpm's and 50 mph is moving. You wince at 20+ gph but remember that at 50 mph...thats 2.5mpg...thats great at wot

