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DF 140 intermitent starting

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  • DF 140 intermitent starting

    I have a 2007 DF140 with 960 hrs which has developed a starting problem, I suspect its the fuel pump as when the key is turned on, sometimes the fuel pump will run for the normal 3 seconds and other times it wont. I'm not sure if this is a fuel pump problem or if there's a breakdown in electrical flow from the ECM.
    Has anyone had a similar problem.

  • #2
    Does the lights on the tach goes thru it system check and does the horn come on? If these functions do not work when you do not here the fuel pump come on check the white wire coming from the motor to the control. I had a similar problem and had to replace the white wire in wire harness with 12 gauge marine wire, also place a 15 amp fuse in the white wire. I have not had a problem since. Good luck


    • #3
      Jfishtake, thanks for the info, the tacho lights come on and the buzzer sounds. I know the white wire you are referring to, I'll check the wire for any weak spots / bad connections just to make sure.


      • #4
        I have an 07 DF140 that had a similar issue with my last trip out. I had some wire harness issues with it last year and the dealer replaced it.

        This last trip out my key made the beep and tach needle moved but it would not crank. I finally got brave enough to remove the cover and noticed when I turned the key (as if to start it) it made a little sound similar to a starter not having enough battery, but very faint. I always carry a cheesy voltmeter and it showed plenty of battery strength, 12.8v. I tightened the connections and it still made that feint sound, coming off the starboard side of the motor.

        I finally tilted the motor all the way up to look around and hit the key again and it started right up. No problems. Of course, how will I duplicate that issue? This really hurts my confidence in my motor as I mostly fish Galveston Bay (TX) by myself. The trip before this I went to start and it did nothing but wiping off the fuse off the white wire at the battery took care of it. I did notice a little rough idle when I came in that day, which I didn't see at all the next trip when it would not crank. This makes me tired!!!


        • #5
          The wires that plug to the emergency stop were the issue. I went to start the battery last night before fishing this morning and no crank after the beep, again. Unplugged and re-plugged those wires and it cranked. I checked a few more that plug into the console throttle and I'm done. *** it was crazy.

          I also did the rewire with marine grade and fuse on the white wire directly off battery to the engine ecu.

          Thanks for that suggestion, Jfishtaker. Good fishing to all.

